Diverse World Publishing is an innovative, independent Australian publishing company, based in Melbourne, Victoria.

We specialise in making fun and engaging picture books for young children and their families, teaching about inclusion and embracing diversity.

All books represent a diverse range of characters, illustrative of the wonderful world in which we live. We strive towards all children seeing themselves in the literature in which they are immersed, in a positive, uplifting light.

About our Author

Catherine Rosalion always had the passion to write. She has contributed to two anthologies, ‘Parenting a Child on the Spectrum’, and the sequel ‘Where are They Now?’, and her first children’s book was Henri with a Y’.

Catherine lives in Melbourne, Australia with her two quirky children and diverse pets. Ava is an energetic, prolific visual artist, and Sebastian is an avid gamer and amazing chef. They have two fluffy, tabby cats and two scaly bearded dragons.

As the founder of Autism Support, Catherine strives to create happier and easier lives for all children, and celebrates their wonderful diversity.

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